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A Brave New Era of Leadership

Faced with perhaps the challenge of a lifetime, business leaders have had to expediently respond to economic and humanitarian concerns. This abrupt dislocation has caused a serious rethink on multiple fronts: not just how (or where) employees work, but also how to cater to evolving consumer sentiments, how to reshape the functioning of supply chains, and even scrutinising the metrics by which we measure business performance. The changes wrought by the pandemic might have been born out of necessity, but it has arguably birthed innovations and corporate responses that have shown great promise not just as a response to this crisis, but even beyond it. These are strange times we live in, but it truly is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to recalibrate businesses, and reimagine the very nature and essence of leadership. If businesses operate off a compass, always seeking to find its true north, then business leaders give it true direction, in addition to shaping the extent and degree of change needed. Every good leader ascribes to a school of thought that has dictated the transformation driven, with great leaders always aware of signals from society and industry, delivering finely tuned responses in accordance with them. They recognise that we occupy a unique moment in human history, with a gilt-edged opportunity for self-calibration before us. Needless to say, the decisions taken will reverberate through history, with profound socio-economic implications.

Rewriting the Rule Book

The ripple effects of the crisis have seen organisations unlock change at an incredible, hitherto almost unforeseen pace and magnitude. Amidst the wave of pivots brought on, bold and progressive minded leaders stood out not just for the manner in which they went about pressing reset on their business goals and operating structures, but also the empathy with which they shepherded others to safety through the tumult that ensued. For accomplishing what was previously thought to be beyond the realm of the possible, these leaders are the Business Icons of India 2022. By looking at the crisis as an inflection point in history, these leaders have reimagined the potential of new possibilities, and explored new horizons as opposed to simply settling into the comfort zone of ‘business as usual’. These leaders embody a mindset change, serving the needs of a new social and organisational world order, freed from the shackles of traditional operating models. This is a historic happening, never seen before, and it presents an opportunity to reset not just what organisations can achieve, but how it can create a legacy that serves the present and stands the test of time, unburdened by historical norms. For epitomising excellence, the accomplishments of these new-age leaders will be celebrated in a gala event that revisits the manner in which they have defied conventions and rewritten the rule book. Business Icons of India 2022 promises to be a one-of-a-kind event that will give the trailblazing efforts of these leaders the stage it deserves.

Research-led Effort

This platform has been powered by research conducted in partnership with Allegiant Market Research, after appraising leaders on the below parameters
  • Organizational performance
  • Adaptability
  • Crisis management
  • Multi-stakeholder capitalism
  • Accelerating problem-solving
  • Innovative thinking
  • CEO peer network perspectives
  • Employee engagement

Preliminary Agenda

09:45 – 10:15 Registrations and Tea/Coffee
10:15 – 10:20 Opening Remarks by Team Marksmen Network
10:20 – 10:25 Keynote Address: “Leading with Demonstrative Bravery” 
CP Gurnani, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, Tech Mahindra Everyone in an organization–no matter their level—has the opportunity to lead. Unfortunately, most don’t. There is a massive difference between what we know about leadership and what we do as leaders. What makes leadership hard isn’t theoretical, it’s practical. It’s not about knowing what to say or do. It’s about whether you’re willing to experience the discomfort, risk, and uncertainty of saying or doing it. In other words, the critical challenge of leadership is, mostly, the challenge of emotional courage. Emotional courage distinguishes powerful leaders from weak ones. It means standing apart from others without separating yourself from them. It means speaking up when others are silent and remaining steadfast, grounded, and measured in the face of uncertainty. It means responding productively to political opposition—maybe even bad-faith backstabbing—without getting sidetracked, distracted, or losing your focus.
10:25 – 10:35 Keynote Address: “The Combination Curry: Organization + Culture = Results”
 Marzin R Shroff – Managing Director and Chief Executive officer, Eureka Forbes Forget everything you think you know about workplace culture! You don’t need perks and parties. You need engaged employees who produce the right results and help you build a great organization. The speaker shows you how to infuse your culture with your core values and align your people with your unique identity so you can produce a healthy organization and valuable brand. The secrets behind the world’s greatest organizations and lays out the leadership playbook for achieving the brand-culture fusion you need in order to power your performance and futureproof your business.
10:35 – 10:45 Keynote Address: “Intention & Purpose: CEO’s Creating a new world ecosystem”  Sandeep Bhardwaj, Chief Executive Officer, IIFL Securities
10:45 – 11:00 Keynote Address “Rebellious Leadership and Flourishing in Uncertain Times”
There is a growing pattern of not just individual leaders, but entire cultures rebelling against old and ineffectual ways that have long defined what it means to lead. At the heart of rebel leadership is the emergence of five patterns seen in leading organizations across sectors. Together, these patterns outline a framework for how to successfully meet this turbulent new century.
11:00 – 11:50 Panel Discussion: “Navigating the Storms of Leadership”
Vijay Chandok,   Managing Director, ICICI Securities S Sunil Kumar,   Country President India and Regional Director Packaging IMEA,Henkel Adhesives TechnologiesNavneet Bansal,  Chief Executive Officer, JSW Global Shared Services Ashish Pradhan,  President Asia, Siegwerk India Moderator:  Aditya Rath, Partner, KPMG (Invited)*